about us

Since its founding, VETEC has been committed to the highest standards of technology, product excellence and customer satisfaction. VETEC entered the reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment field in 1996, and is now one of the most respected and experienced firms in the Water treatment industry.
VETEC continuing commitment to research and technology results in the ongoing development of a range of specialized water treatment products. VETEC products currently are Pumps, Pressure Vessels, FRPs, Residential and Carbon. These products in use for such diverse applications as potable water, boiler feed water, industrial process water, wastewater treatment, surface water treatment, seawater desalination, electronic rinse water, agricultural irrigation and pharmaceuticals.
VETEC products offer integrated skills and expertise in water and wastewater treatment technologies, high quality water treatment products to help our customers improve their competitiveness and plant performance. We are one of very few companies with expertise across the entire spectrum of high-performance water treatment Industry.